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The Joys of Becoming Mrs. Davis

Morgan Brittani

On July 11th, also known as 7/11, Rosalyn was radiating. In the midst of a pandemic, Rosalyn and Tony decided that they were not going to let anything stop them from getting married. They decided to have their loved ones with them as they conducted their wedding via Zoom. Love wasn’t cancelled.


“I do” by Taylor S. Hunter via Zoom

[Thank you] for making love easy. Thank you for showing me unconditional love in action. You are an answered prayer. I promise to choose you over and over again.
— Mrs. Davis

“This Love is a Forever Thing” by Taylor S. Hunter via Zoom

Rosalyn asked me if I would help document this journey for them and my answer was simple— yes.

I video chatted with Rosalyn during the weeks leading up to her big day and her joy when she’d talk about Tony (her husband) was contagious. Their love is one you only pray to experience. A love that in the midst of everything going on within the world brought love and joy into everyone’s home.

Although the wedding may have not been in the location they thought it would be— their love for one another remains the same. Rosalyn is now one month into marriage with a lifetime to go.

Ebonë Shardae Reminds us all That Change Takes Time.

Morgan Brittani


Photo by Taylor S. Hunter via FaceTime

Change takes time. You have to celebrate the small parts.
— Ebonë Shardae

Photo by Taylor S. Hunter via FaceTime

From hearing the birds singing in the background to her smile radiating through my computer— Ebonë was joy as we chit-chatted via Zoom. Ebonë has been such an important person in my life so I was excited to have the opportunity to just check-in and chat with her.

“Today, I feel at ease.” This was the response Ebonë gave me when I asked her, ‘how are you feeling today?’ Going on to say that, “[this] means I am at peace. That does not mean life is not happening. It just means my overall feeling is peace— and that peace comes from a place of gratitude.”


Photos by Taylor S. Hunter via FaceTime

She said this with confidence and complete understanding of her power. From there, we had a chit-chat full of joy, reflection and laughter. I asked Ebonë three specific questions during our chit-chat to get a glimpse inside of her beautiful mind, which you can read below:

What is the biggest lesson that you have learned during this time?

Keep refining patience and what that word means to me. The small is apart of the whole. Change takes time. You have to celebrate the small parts. You have to celebrate those moments— even when thoughts of self-sabotage present themself.

If you could give your growth a name, what would it be?

Divinity— I trust and believe I am a divine being with a divine purpose and I [no matter what] I trust and believe [that to be true].

How have you been healing your inner child?

As I’ve been reading more and reviewing All About Love— I’ve been having conversations about loving ones self with family members and with myself.

Photos by Taylor S. Hunter via FaceTime