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Morgan Brittani

racism bubble.png

Hello, My name is Racism.

Racism is when prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. The belief that another person is less than human usually because of the colour of their skin. 

Racism can affect your mental health by…

1) creating feelings of not belonging in the wider community

2) causing deep rooted shame towards their own culture, resulting in poor self esteem

3) making you feel cornered or alone in common shared spaces, due to the lack of representation of people who look like them

*important to note that most of the profound effects of racism on mental and physical health stem from social and economic systems that practice by/within racist frameworks. 

Okay, now, how do I move forward?

Dealing with racism in daily life is no small challenge. Why must the burden be placed upon the person affected by it? However, finding healthy ways to push back against racist remarks, and affirm your identity is empowering, and a healthy coping mechanism.

1) Getting involved in causes that matter to you, joining discussions or simply offering a different point of view in a conversation can all go a long way in alleviating your feelings of frustrations.

2) Recognize your worth and take pride in your accomplishments, hard work and unique skills.

Affirmation for healing racism.

I have a voice, my feelings need to be heard. I am worthy of belonging.

Source: ADL, University of California; Researcher: Devmi Epaarachchi