Suicidal Ideations
Morgan Brittani
Hello, My Name Is Suicidal Ideations.
Suicidal Ideation is where a person experiences thoughts related to life not worth living, which can range in intensity. These thoughts could be well-thought out plans or general self-destructive habits or thoughts.
Usually, suicide ideation is caused by a history of abuse, severe physical pain, job stress or social isolation.
Did you know…
1) Suicide ideation can increase the chance that a person will follow through with a suicide attempt.
2) Even if the ideations are ‘mild’ in intensity, a person with suicide ideations are at a greater risk to suffer from symptoms of clinical depression.
3) Increasing feelings of hopelessness
4) Withdrawing from family, friends and things they used to enjoy.
5) Verbal threats of suicide.
Okay, now, how do I move forward?
The most important thing to remember when you, or someone you know is dealing with suicide ideations is to remind them (or yourself) that help is available.
Whilst someone may not explicitly tell you what they are feeling, or going through, if they are asked in a gentle way, they are more likely to open up to you. A person is not likely to spontaneously share their feelings with you, so simply asking them about their life and how they are coping etc. may be the push that they need to talk to someone about what they are dealing with.
In the case of suicide ideation, research has shown that when they are asked gently and caringly, it is only a small amount of people that will deny that they have been contemplating suicide.
Suicidal Ideations Affirmation:
My life is worthy of living, and my feelings are temporary. My thoughts won’t take over my life.
Source: Harvard, Help Guide; Researcher: Devmi Epaarachchi