Have Faith, Your Breakthrough is Coming
Talore McBride
Photo by GIPHY
Written by Talore McBride
If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you have felt some sort of rejection recently. Your ideas for an upcoming project were shot down, you didn’t get the job you interviewed for, your paper you wrote for school wasn’t as good as you thought it was, the guy or girl you like likes someone else…basically you’ve heard “no” at some point and feel like you are losing control and lacking direction in your life.
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Feeling like you are stuck in one place and not moving forward can make you anxious, angry and stressed but don’t you worry your pretty little heart because this is not the end of the road for you. A lot of times, we get so caught up in the rejection meaning that we did something wrong, that whatever happened was our fault, but believe that whatever God intended for you, you will receive. Sometimes that “no”, that rejection you encounter is because that is not where God wanted you to be, what he wanted you to have or experience. Proverbs 16:9 says, “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps”.
We stay up at night wishing for things that we weren’t even meant to have and then wonder why we are missing our breakthrough. We let our wants get in the way of God’s own desires for us when he is the one who knows exactly what we need. Do not give up because you’ve been rejected but pray fervently that God guides your steps and puts you right where you need to be.
Sometimes the things you need the most are right in front of you but you miss them because you are so blinded by your wants. Don’t let the disappointment of rejection make you miss out on your blessings. Have faith your breakthrough is coming.
Photo by GIPHY