Small Joys? Yes, They Still Count.
Heather J
I'm beginning to choose JOY more and more on a daily basis, regardless of how big or small.
I'm often asked if I'm an early bird or a night owl, needless to say, I'm both! I pride myself on being a very courageous and spontaneous person with high energy but I also find myself in self-doubt or pointing out what went wrong instead of what went right. Choosing optimism and gratitude were two incredibly goals I set for myself within the past couple of months and let's just say I often forget to practice gratitude and I sometimes do cry over spilled milk.
This past week I've indulged in my fair share of podcasts, books and I caught up on Being Mary Jane & Insecure, that's where I sought peace and refuge during a challenging week. I enjoy Mondays, but oddly enough it was a bit rockier than most Mondays. Following Monday, I had been hit with challenge after challenge; a walking nightmare. There were multiple opportunities for me to break, but I can thank this thing called "growth" and say that I fought the battle and made it through without breaking.
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Do you ever turn around and ask yourself whether your're doing everything wrong? Or maybe even absolutely right? I do. Self-doubt is a killer, I'll tell you.
About 2 weeks about I submitted a writing piece, a piece in which I was truly proud of but for some reason I kept thinking: "This isn't going to get accepted, this isn't what readers want, this is my personal story no one else is interested." I went ahead and submitted my writing piece to the organization and sat at my desk and I wasn't proud, I was just in the moment. Immediately following, I came across a submission opportunity for conference proposals for young professionals; not only did my short-term goal list pop into my head but the thought: "You can't present to New Professionals, what do you know?" came into my mind. 5 minutes later, I submitted a proposal on self-care, mindfulness and the quality of life, a subject matter I am truly passionate about but would others be?
Last week when I was hit with challenge after challenge, battling fatigue and trying to stay afloat I had been reminded of the small joys, the small victories. Anxiety visits me quit frequently and as I've been preparing for the tail end of a hurricane, I could only think about the small steps I had taken two week prior. Thursday afternoon I had received two e-mails within an hour of one another in regards to my writing being accepted and published & my conference proposal being accepted. In the midst of angry tears and a deep breath, something whispered: "Hold on, your joy is coming."
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By Friday, my perspective had changed. I could celebrate small joys and accomplishments in the midst of big challenges. I smiled.
When we choose to focus on joy, regardless of how big or small we flourish. When we choose to celebrate ourselves and allow ourselves grace to accomplish small things we can manifest positive things in our mind.
I choose JOY because I realize that sometimes others can see you better than you see yourself and accomplishments and opportunities will remind you of that.
Choose JOY.