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Justin Bieber Seeks Treatment for Depression — And That's Okay

News and Culture

Justin Bieber Seeks Treatment for Depression — And That's Okay

Morgan Brittani

It has been reported that Justin Bieber has started treatment for his depression.

A Bieber source tells People Magazine that this has nothing to do with his marriage to wife, Hailey (Baldwin) Bieber. However, one source does tell People that, “Justin seems down and tired. He has been struggling a bit.”

Justin Bieber and Wife, Hailey Bieber on the March Vogue Cover

Justin Bieber and Wife, Hailey Bieber on the March Vogue Cover

The couple was recently featured on the March edition of Vogue Magazine as seen in the image above. Other celebrities have shared how they had to also navigate through hard times of feeling depressed while maintaining a marriage.

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Will Smith has talked in the past about how it is “unrealistic” to try to make your spouse happy and how that is something that they must find on their own.

In the meantime, we hope that Justin Bieber starts to feel better soon and we are proud of him. It is A-Okay to get help when you are not feeling okay.

If you are reading this and feel like you need help as well. Do not be afraid to seek that help. Even if it is taking that first step and telling someone that you are hurting.