Reality Check
Keara Douglas
Photo by Morgan Daniels
Have you ever heard the saying that, “if you are falling out with everyone around you, you must be the problem?" This is true to an extent.
Sometimes we may know something is wrong but we are automatically programmed to believe that the problem must be with the people around us, that it couldn’t possibly be me causing so much harm and mishaps constantly. Have you ever felt like everything you are doing is wrong because nothing is going right for you or the way that you would like for things to go? Well I am here to tell you that yes, you can be the root of your very own problems.
Reality checks are needed occasionally to remind us that we too must be nice at all times and respectable towards others as well as ourselves. For example, ask yourself these questions when it comes to your relationships with others: Am I listening to understand when having conversations with this person, or am I listening to have response back? Am I compromising when it comes to situations and subjects we cannot agree on, or is it my way or no way? Are my extracurricular activities actually helping me in the long run, or are they bringing me more harm and placing me in tougher situations that I am already in? Finding a balance and figuring out what is good for you and what is not good for you, along with those around you, can really help make things easier for you on your search for joy.
Hey everyone! My name is Keara Douglas from Delux Designs (DE), LLC out of Fort Lawn, SC. First and foremost, I would like to thank JOYday Movement’s founder Morgan Brittani for giving me the opportunity to become a writer for this amazing movement. I have been following the official twitter page for it for some time now and have been a fan ever since. I look forward to contributing more posts for the website along with future twitter chats, thanks everyone, happy blogging!