Stepping Into My Purpose
Gabeal Davis
"I Declare I will be experience God's faithfulness. I will not worry. I will not doubt. I will keep my trust in Him, knowing that He will not fail me. I will give birth to every promise God put in my heart and I will become everything God created me to be. This is my declaration." - Joel Olsteen
There has been so much going on in my life these days. I have almost given up on my dreams and myself and fell into dark place. When reading this quote from Joel Osteen's "I Declare (31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life") I sat down and remembered the promise that God made to me years ago from multiple sources outside of hearing it within myself. One source being from my aunt after I fallen years ago. I remembered that God has promised me better days and success in what I enjoy doing which is writing. At the time of this message, I've felt no way out of myself and my feelings and allowed myself to really give up on everything. Almost ten years later, I find myself back in the same predicament. It feels like I'm going in circles, but I have to remember what God has promised me, which is better days and success.
Photo by GIPHY
I have started writing originally back in 2005/2006 on Xanga which, at the time, was a popular online blogging site. I went to writing to help release my thoughts and feelings because it was easier than actually talking about them. At the time I was attending Clayton State University here in Georgia located just outside of Atlanta. My mind wasn't focused on writing or doing anything in a field that requires me to write anything, but when I decided to be a part of this Xanga community I found myself deeply involved and entangled into my work and begun to love it. That's when I decided to take it further and start and take my writing to a level higher than it was. This is when I began to find my peace, and this is when I feel like I began to hear more of God's voice and promise over my life.
To be more clear, it wasn't like God just spoke to me clearly and said that this is something I will be doing for a living, but through what I was doing I found peace and drive to push forward and create something amazing and successful.
What is your promise or calling? What will you do to get on the path to claiming what's yours?
Even though it seems like things we aren't where we want to be in life we have to hold to what we feel is right and what was promised to us. Even though we go through so many obstacles and overcome every challenge know that you will come out better than before and closer to our goal. Use these things to your advantage and create.
Spark your creativity. Use your trials as motivation and find success!